At Crest, VEPs form an integral part of our investment programs and they incorporate two essential ingredients- Corporatization Exercises and Technology Augmentation.
Traditional companies are transformed through their adoption of global best practices
that in turn provides them with greater access to capital market resources. Some of these
improvements include:
- Enhancing corporate governance to listed company standards
- Streamlining management information systems to improve transparency and accountability in line with international standards
- Professional recruitment and remuneration plans
- Corporate succession planning
- Preparation for post-IPO investor communications
Firms are reconfigured to integrate new technologies in a cost-effective way to fortify competitive advantages.
This process includes:
- Identifying targets that derive significant benefits from technology applications
- Formulating and executing technology-augmented strategies that allow these firms to project their domain expertise into new product lines or markets
- Brand building and intellectual property monetization
- Recruiting tech-savvy professionals
- Forging strategic technology alliances that are specially structured for commercial success
- Cost improvement exercises through process streamlining and technology incorporation